The Coalition for an Ethical Psychology is dedicated to putting psychology on a firm ethical foundation in support of social justice and human rights. The Coalition has been in the lead of efforts to remove psychologists from torture and abusive interrogations.

Coalition Statements

Over the past several years, the Coalition for an Ethical Psychology has produced a range of timely statements and commentaries on the critical issues surrounding ethics and health professionals' participation in interrogations and detainee abuse. Many of these documents are available HERE.

Key Documents

Psychologists and other health professionals' involvement in abusive interrogations and violation of professional ethics standards are well-documented from a wide range of reliable sources. Several key documents relevant to these issues are available HERE.

Organizations & Websites

Many health, human rights, and social justice organizations have made significant contributions in the ongoing effort to curtail abusive interrogations and other professional wrongdoing and to hold responsible parties accountable. Links to the websites of many of these organizations are available HERE.